On October 23-26 the Winslow Township Middle Schoolorchestra went to Atlantic City, New Jersey to perform for

the New Jersey School Board Association.
The annual workshop was attended by 8000 school administrators from around the state.
“From Oct. 23 – 26, a senior-level audience of school leaders, education professionals and influencers in New Jersey education will gather for quality professional development; important legal, legislative, policy and funding updates; new products and services; and to celebrate public education,” explained Ms.DiLeonardo, the WTMS Orchestra Teacher.
The school got a chance to perform along with many others.
“The performance groups were chosen by the NJSBA. We had to submit a video of our group to be considered. Over the summer, the committee watched video performances from orchestras all over the state of New Jersey. Out of hundreds of schools that submitted a video of our group, we were chosen to perform,” described Ms. DiLeonardo.
This was a big event for the orchestra to participate in so you can only imagine what they did to prepare for it.
“We practiced a lot,” said Ms. DiLeonardo.
The band practiced to perform a great show in Atlantic City.
Our set of music included a variety of styles including classical music, jazz standards to popular songs of today. We had two vocalists. Eighth grader Shawn Luna sang a Johnny Cash song called “Ring of Fire” and Eighth grader, Alessia Charles, performed a song by Etta James called “At Last”. We also featured two students, eighth grader William Perry on cello, and either grader, Ashley Proctor on violin, who played a beautiful rendition of the Disney song, “Beauty and The Beast”.
Be sure to check out the next orchestra performance at the Winter Concert on Tuesday December, 12 2023, at 6 pm in the middle school cafeteria.