The National Junior Honors Society has elected their new officers for the 2023-2024 school year. Shaki Terry as President, Shelby Norlin as Vice President, Rosalyn Borton as Secretary, Paige Aikens as Treasurer, and Michael Vera as Historian.
The officers and the coordinating advisor Ms.Kiett were asked a series of questions about their new job and position.
“NJHS members must be in the 8th grade and in good standing (active members, no NJHS probation). They must submit an “Intent to Run” form which indicates their desired position. The form is signed by the student and parent. Next, they have to complete a member profile that shows school involvement, community involvement, service hours and why they would like to run for that position. The candidates then record a campaign speech and present their platforms to other members during a “Meet the Candidates Meeting,” explained by the coordinating advisor Ms. Kiett.
Vice President Shelby Norlin says, “I think it was a little difficult to get in because I was running against really great candidates and they are all great students. I was determined to make a really good speech and do my best to try to gain some votes from the other NJHS members.”
To participate in NJHS is a great honor but can be very tricky to be accepted. It takes great perseverance and determination.
“NJHS candidates should have a 3.5 or higher GPA, are active in a school sport, club or activity, serve their community and have positive discipline,” said Ms. Kiett.
There are various offices and jobs in the National Junior Honor Society, but how do they contribute to making Winslow a better place?
“I intend to make WTMS a better place by utilizing my ability to maintain, manage, and oversee data to keep all information intact,” states Micheal Vera, NJHS Historian.
National Junior Honor Society is not just about working but it can also be fun at times.
“I like the fact that I’ll be handling the money aspect of NJHS. I feel like it makes the job more interesting.” explains NJHS Treasurer, Paige Aikens.
“I’m happy to be in charge of NJHS and help make it better as President”, explained Shaki Terry.
If you are in 7th grade I advise you to keep up good grades and good conduct so that you can join NJHS and hopefully become an officer for the upcoming new year.