On January 8, 2025, members of NJHS and SGA took a trip to TCNJ (The College of New Jersey) to partake in different types of leadership workshops. Students went to a general session to gather information on the workshops and so they could sit and listen to awards that were being collected to schools all around New Jersey.
Advisor, Ms. Kiett, also had information about the trip to TCNJ. Here’s what she had to say.
“Each January the NJASC members convene to elect their new State Student Government Officers. In addition, the winter conference provides, Nationally recognized motivational speakers, Networking and a means for sharing ideas with other middle and high schools throughout New Jersey including the featured community service activity and/or charity for the year.”
That means that students apart of NJHS and SGA go to TCNJ each year to learn about leadership and to hear about different motivational speakers’ stories of their life and their upbringing.
There were 3 breakout sessions for students to go and partake in workshops that had different activities that a bunch of different schools in New Jersey host at their school. For example, workshop Mini Clash of Classes was a workshop presented by Neptune High School which was about a Monthly spirit activity event that lead up to Clash of the Classes- a night of competition among class.
As one of the NJHS members that attended the trip, the workshop was pretty fun overall, they had a little ice breaker activity that was fun to complete.
Students attended different workshops of their choice. Seventh grade SGA member, Autumn Perry, attended the Mastering the Art of Public-Speaking workshop where the workshop provided participants with the skills to speak confidently and persuasively. They learned how to control body language, manage voice projection, overcome stage fright, and structure compelling presentations. They also learned tools to teach them how to engage with their audience and they delivered powerful stories of their own to express how public speaking feels to them.
“They made us write speeches and go up and present. It was a good experience learning how to talk in front of people,” affirmed Autumn Perry.
Bella Lott 7th SGA member attended the “Hello Day” workshop where they plan a day of saying hello, showing how powerful saying hello can be and how it can change someone’s day. There were hello people and prizes. This activity was presented by Neptune High School.
“The workshop was really good. It helped people communicate with others and bring others out of their shell,” mentioned Bella.